Thursday, March 22, 2007


first article published in the varsity, published March 12th, 2007:
Students gathered in sub-zero weather outside the offices of the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities to mark the one-year anniversary of the McGuinty government’s end to the tuition-freeze. Students from the U of T, Ryerson, York and George Brown College delivered more than 5,000 “pink slips” to Minister Chris Bentley.
Each Pink Slip was a signed promise from individual students to vote in the next Ontario general election for “a candidate who promises to reduce tuition fees and student debt, and increase government funding for colleges and universities”. The angry and frustrated students called for Bentley to be fired from his position for not standing up for the students and parents of Ontario.
“We want a minister who reflects the desires of the students,” Jesse Greener, Ontario Chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students, said Thursday at the rally. Greener emphasized the need for students to vote in the next Ontario general election on October 10th, and called for a “movement in the ballot box”.
The CFS stated that for every dollar invested in financial aid, $1.30 will be “clawed back” through increases in tuition fees.
Olivia Chow, Member of Parliament in the Trinity-Spadina riding, came to the rally in support of the students. Chow recalled McGunity’s speech made in 2003 promising the students and parents of Ontario that tuition fees would be frozen if he were elected. Chow stated that a “promise given needs to be delivered”.
McGuinty ‘s government delivered a tuition freeze in 2004 but with only a two-year limit. The Ontario Government’s Reaching Higher Plan intends to provide support for post-secondary education in a five-year investment plan. Bentley announced in 2006 that the plan is a $6.2 billion investment in post-secondary education, and will include an increase in tuition fees of 20 to 36% over a four-year period. Students in Ontario already pay some of the highest tuition fees in Canada.
The McGuinty government stated in 2005 that within the Reaching Higher Plan, “ the people of Ontario will see improved access and higher quality in postsecondary education, and colleges and universities will be held accountable for accomplishing these objectives”.
“Bentley has failed our students,” said part-time student, and rally participator Shane Milne, “he’s supposed to be a public servant. We want the fees reduced and frozen”.


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